Kade Crockford Has Made An Indelible Mark On Investigative Journalism

Kade Crockford Has Made An Indelible Mark On Investigative Journalism

Kade Crockford massachusettshill new york times  Kade Crockford is an investigative journalist and human rights advocate who Media Lens describes as an “invaluable and fearless critic of the establishment”. For the past ten years Kade has been publishing award-winning journalism in the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Guardian, the Huffington Post, and other major outlets. He has worked with major international non-profits, NGOs, and think tanks to advocate for human rights, social justice, and transparency. Kade has also been an outspoken critic of the US government and a powerful voice in the debate to protect civil liberties, with his work focusing on police brutality, counter-terrorism and national security, and the exploitation of women and minorities. In this article, we will take a look at Kade’s career, his work, and his impact on the journalistic landscape today.

Early Career and Education

Kade Crockford is the Director of the Technology for Liberty Program at the Massachusetts based American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). He received a degree in sociology and writing from Tufts University in 2010, after originally studying economics at Harvard. During his time at Tufts, Kade developed a strong interest in the intersections between government, economics, technology, and civil liberties – a focus that continues to guide his professional life today. 

Investigative Journalism

Kade’s journalism career began in earnest after he got hired as a staff writer by the New York Times in 2011. Here, he specialized in investigative journalism, primarily focusing on national security, intelligence governments, and the interplay between them. He wrote exposés into the CIA’s counterterrorism policies and the growing surveillance state. His best-known piece is the 2013 article in which he brought to light the government’s expansive use of targeted killing by drone.

Advocacy and Public Speaking

In addition to his investigative journalism, Kade Crockford has become well known for his advocacy on behalf of human rights and civil liberties. He is a frequent speaker at civil rights and anti-surveillance conferences, including the 2014 Surveillance and Human Rights Conference. He has also partnered with international NGO’s and think tanks, such as the Electronic Frontier Foundation and Human Rights Watch, to raise awareness about the implications of government surveillance. 

Impact on Journalism

Kade Crockford has made an indelible mark on investigative journalism, especially with regards to civil liberties, privacy, and national security. His work has earned him awards and recognition on the leading stage of journalism and public debate. He has become an influential voice in the fight to protect civil liberties and an advocate for more transparency in government. 


Kade Crockford’s contributions to investigative journalism and human rights advocacy have been invaluable and impactful. His work has earned him awards and recognition, and he has become an influential voice in the push to protect civil liberties and transparency in government. As the debate around these issues continues to intensify, Kade’s work will continue to be a vital asset in the fight for justice and human rights.

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